Special Events Overview and Standards

Penn State University Police and Public Safety offers services for security and traffic needs on all Commonwealth Campus locations. Penn State departments and other organizations may hire UPPS Police Officers, Student Auxiliary Officers (where available), or Security Guards to work events on campus such as dances, parties, seminars/lectures, sporting events, etc. Departments and organizations requesting UPPS services will be billed* for the service. 

Groups or organizations will not be billed if UPPS is not providing dedicated personnel to the event. Oftentimes, the event request form is utilized to alert UPPS to the dates and times of planned gatherings so patrol officers are informed.

To ensure the safety of UPPS personnel and event attendees, the department reserves the right to determine whether Police Officers, Student Auxiliary Officers (where available), or Security Guards are assigned to work an event. For the same reason, UPPS also reserves the right to make the ultimate determination on the number of personnel assigned to your event. Only Police Officers, Student Auxiliary Officers (where available), or Security Guards can work events on Penn State Campuses where a police or security presence is required or desired.

Requesting Service

  1. All event organizers should visit https://www.police.psu.edu/event-request-form to initiate a request for services. Requests for police staffing should be sent at least 45 days in advance of a scheduled event, and all requests for police staffing will be dependent upon staffing availability.
    1. Not all events require dedicated UPPS security presence or traffic control, but you should submit a request so UPPS is aware of gatherings happening on campus and can inform patrol officers.
    2. If your event is recurring (such as an athletic season of competition) you may complete the form one time while indicating this is a recurring event (need to verify this with IT and the new form’s functionality). You will receive a request via email for your sporting season’s scheduled events so the dates can be shared with UPPS patrol officers at your campus.
  2. Once your event request form has been received, it will be disseminated to the correct campus contact person within UPPS. Requestors may be contacted to answer questions about their event and their needs. An estimate on cost can be given once the number and type of personnel required has been established along with date and time specifics.
    1. If your event cannot be staffed by UPPS personnel, you may be offered the option of utilizing external security providers who are approved for use through UPPS.


  1. Any changes leading up to your event should immediately be reported to your contact within UPPS as soon as possible.
  2. Security and traffic assignments generally begin between 30 minutes and 3 hours before an event’s actual start time depending on the size of the event and the service required. Additionally, security and traffic personnel will most likely need to remain at the venue until crowds have dispersed, so billing will reflect all hours personnel has spent in direct relation to the event.


  1. If your organization or event requires UPPS security or traffic services, you are expected to provide billing information on your event request form to cover the costs unless an exception* has been made. Penn State organizations are to provide a PSU budget number along with appropriate contact details. External parties will provide us with accounts receivable contact information including: name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.  The rates vary by the type of personnel the event requires, but we can provide you with a best estimate based on hourly billing rates.
  2. Invoices or billing should arrive within 60 days of your event ending as we sometimes need to wait for documentation from various providers and need to verify hours of service provided. Payment, per Penn State policy, is expected within 30 days of receipt of the invoice or request for payment.
  3. Any billing questions or concerns can be directed to the Administrative Support Assistant in the Special Events Unit at University Park (814-863-3464).

*Exceptions to billing must be approved by the AVP or Chief of Police