Safe Walk Service

To Request a Safe Walk, Call 814-865-WALK (9255)
The Safe Walk Program is designed to provide walking accompaniment for Penn State students, employees, and visitors who may feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night.
The Safe Walk Program operates out of Auxiliary Police, which is a uniformed student division within the University Police. The students carry police radios and walk Penn State students and employees from one on-campus location to another, and to within reasonable walking distance off-campus. Safe Walks are available from dusk to dawn - 365 days a year.
Call 814-865-WALK (9255)
You will be asked your name, telephone number, your present location, and your intended destination. You will be given the approximate time that your Auxiliary Officer will arrive.
Your comments, questions, and suggestions concerning the Penn State Safe Walk Program are welcome. Please feel free to contact us at 814-865-1864, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, if we may be of assistance.
For Emergencies, Call 911