Related Policies


This policy addresses security cameras and card access at the University.

Items such as camera and reader placement for new construction and renovation, and access to cameras are included in this policy.

Current standards are confined largely to “perimeter security.” Perimeter security is defined as card access and door alarms at all perimeter doors. Cameras are required at the card readers and controlled doors which include cameras inside doors (viewing interior approach to doors), and cameras on exterior of doors (viewing at approach to doors). There are often cameras placed in primary lobbies of at-grade floors.

Approvals are required for security device installation. All work unit physical security systems shall be evaluated, recommended, and implemented by A.C.E.S. and the S.A.T., working in conjunction with customers and other parties as warranted.

Access by University units and individuals to information gathered, processed, and archived through electronic security systems shall occur based on policy. 


A key or clearance will only be granted when access to facilities cannot be achieved via established locking and unlocking procedures.

Requests for access must follow established authorization protocol, as specified within this policy and related documents.

The issuance of a card access clearance, or possession of a key, does not extend permission of access beyond the assigned area or outside the authorized times of access.

In the event that an individual’s access requirements change, they will be required to notify their area Access Coordinator and make the appropriate changes, which may include the return of their keys and/or changes to their access credential clearances, as applicable.

Building access will be granted by electronic means if available. Keys will only be issued if access through electronic means is not possible.

Access privileges may be revoked at the discretion of the University Access Controller, in consultation with the facility Access Coordinator, if the guidelines of this policy are not followed.

When an individual’s access requirements change, the individual will be required to notify their area Access Coordinator and make the appropriate changes, including the return of their keys/ACDs, and/or changes to their access credential clearances, as applicable.

All clearance requests for keys and ACDs must be approved in accordance with procedure SY2001.


Requests for access must be made via the completion of a Facility Access Authorization Request form (FAAR Form).

Student/Vendors requests are submitted by a “Sponsor,” typically a staff or faculty member (or Access Coordinator), who is requesting access to a building and/or room on behalf of a student or a non-employee, as applicable. 

All properly completed and agreed-upon requests for employees/non-employees will then be routed to the Access Coordinator for review and approval.

If upon review, the request is acceptable, the Access Coordinator will sign and date the form, affirming that they have reviewed the details of the access request and they concur with the request for access.  Additionally, they will determine the “type” of access needed, and check the appropriate boxes on the form.

If the request for access is rejected, the Access Coordinator will note the reason on the Facility Access Authorization Request Form and return a copy of the rejected form to the Requestor/Requesting Area. If the explanation is lengthy, the Access Coordinator should record the information on the back of the form.